SENATOR JEFF WENTWORTH: The Senate will come to order. Following motion in writing. Secretary
will read the motion.
PATSY SPAW: Motion in writing: Mr. President, I request permission of the Senate to
withdraw the conference committee report on Senate Bill
7 that was filed on June 15th, 2011. Respectfully
submitted, Senator Nelson.
SENATOR JEFF WENTWORTH: Is there any objection? No objection, so ordered.
Chair recognizes Senator Ellis for a
highly privileged motion.
SENATOR RODNEY ELLIS: Thank you, Mr. President. I move adoption of my smoking ban in public
SENATOR JEFF WENTWORTH: That's not a highly privileged motion, Senator Ellis.
SENATOR RODNEY ELLIS: I move that the Senate recess until noon, Monday, June 27th, pending the
referral -- the reading and referral of bills, the
receipt of messages, and the receipt of committee
SENATOR JEFF WENTWORTH: Is there objection to the motion? The chair hears none, the
Senate stands in recess until noon, Monday, June 267th,
pending the reading and referral of bills, the receipt
of messages, and the receipt of committee reports.