Senate Transcript, June 16, 2011

SENATOR DAVID DEWHURST: The Senate will come to order. Mr. Doorkeeper.

MR. DOORKEEPER: Mr. President, there's a message from the House.

SENATOR DAVID DEWHURST: Admit the messenger.

MESSENGER: Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. President, I'm directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has talken the following action, the House has passed the following measures: SB4 by Seliger relating to the composition of the congressional district of the state of Texas. Appointment of a conference committee on the following measures: SB1, Chairman Pitts, Eissler, Geren, Otto, Villarreal. SB2, Chairman Pitts, Aycock, Crownover, Darby, McClendon. SB7, Chairman Zerwas, Davis, Veronica Gonzales, Kolkhorst, Pitts. Respectfully, Robert Hainy, chief clerk.

SENATOR DAVID DEWHURST: Members, the following message from the Supreme Court of Texas. The secretary will read the message.

PATSY SPAW: Mr. President, the Supreme Court of Texas has made the following appointments to the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors and ask the advice and consent of the Senate for Eliceo Ruiz, Jr. from Los Fresnos, and Timothy Kelly from Austin. Respectfully submitted, Wallace B. Jefferson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas.

SENATOR DAVID DEWHURST: Thank you, madam secretary. Members, the following bill in reference to committee. The secretary will read the bill.

PATSY SPAW: Senate Resolution 36 by Whitmire and Carona urging the government of Turkey to uphold and safeguard religious and human rights of all its citizens without compromise to Business and Commerce.

SENATOR DAVID DEWHURST: Members, senators, if you don't mind, ladies and gentlemen, we've been in recess. This is an abbreviated session just explain to you -- you may be saying to yourself, what in the world are they doing? We were in session until 12:30 yesterday morning. It took us from 3:15 Tuesday afternoon to 12:30 in the morning to pass a bill; and so, I let the senators off yesterday. I'm David Dewhurst, that's Senator Jackson, Senator Duncan; and so, we stood in recess to receive bills and to refer bills and so we're going to do that. So, it's a short session and we're going to adjourn but normally if you'd been here Tuesday afternoon, you would have seen lots of fire works and it would have -- you could have stayed until 12:30 in the evening, isn't that right? So, we'll be in just for a couple of minutes but thank you for coming to the State Capitol and thank you for being supportive of our fine senators. Any other matter before the president's desk is clear? Any other matter? Chair recognizes Senator Jackson for a highly privileged motion.

SENATOR MIKE JACKSON: Thank you, Mr. President. I move that the Senate adjourn until 1:30 p.m. Monday, June 20th, pending the reading and referral of bills, the receipt of messages, and the receipt of committee reports.

SENATOR DAVID DEWHURST: Thank you, Senator Jackson. Members, you heard the motion by Senator Jackson. Is there objection from any member? The chair hears no objection and the Senate will stand adjourned until 1:30 Monday, June the 20th, pending the reading and -- hold on one second. Hold just a moment. I may want to talk to you about that number. The chair hears no objection permitting -- permitting member and the Senate will stand adjourned until 1:30, Monday, June 20th, pending the reading and referral of bill, the receipt of messages, and the receipt of committee reports. Thank you, Senator Jackson. Thank you, Senator Duncan.
