House Transcript, May 7, 2011

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Members, please register. Strict enforcement has been requested. Strict enforcement has been granted. Register from your seats. Register only for yourself. Remember, under the House rules, members may be subject to discipline if they violate the rule of strict enforcement. Have all registered? The quorum is present. House and gallery, please rise for the invocation. The Chair recognizes Representative Berman to introduce our pastor of the day.

REPRESENTATIVE BERMAN: Mr. Speaker, Members, it's my pleasure to introduce the pastor of the day today, Mark Deck of Tyler, Texas. Mark has been in the ministry since 1985 when he traveled with two different groups, singing in local churches. In the early '90s he served in as music minister at Tyler Baptist Church. Since 1995 he's been the youth minister at First Baptist Church & Mission, where he's licensed and ordained to serve as a deacon and Sunday School teacher. We're honored to have Mark's family with us today. He's been married to his wife Karen for 27 years. They have two children, Christa, an R.N. student at UT Tyler, and Kayla, a public school teacher. They're sitting right in the balcony. If you would just raise your hand so we could see you. That little girl that's being held, last summer Mark was blessed with his first grandchild, a little grandchild named Emma. Mark served his country, listen to this, honorably as a United States Marine from 1978 to '82, and I know we've got a bunch of Marines in here. So you've got a good pastor here. For those of you who are classical nuts, today is the first day of (inaudible) and it's also the birthday of Mark Beck and we're going to give him a certificate marking his 50th birthday today. It's my pleasure to introduce Mark Beck. Please with welcome him.

PASTOR BECK: Pastor Beck. Thank you, thank you, Mr. Speaker, Members, for this incredible honor. Let's pray. Family, Father, I thank you for your love and your mercy and forgiveness. I thank you for the many blessings and resources that you below stowed upon the people of Texas. I thank you, most of all, for Jesus Christ, our Savior, who died for our sins and rose again so that we who bury his name may live forever. I pray for your blessings over our economy and businesses, public and private, large and small, all across Texas. I pray for the poor and needy, for those who are out of work. And I pray that you will give those of us who have been blessed with employment in these difficult times a heart of compassion for those who are less fortunate. I pray, God, for those effected by the fires and the storms that recently plagued our state and other areas in our nation. And I ask that you will provide comfort and healing as they strive to recover their losses and get on with their lives. And, God, I pray for the safety of our men and women, sons and daughters, moms and dads in our armed forces and law enforcement across our state. I also pray for the safety of all our members and their staff as they travel home to celebrate Mother's Day with their family. And I pray, God, that you will bring joy to all the mothers in this room this weekend. I ask you, Lord, this day, for you to impart wisdom to these legislators as they go about the business of making our state an even better place to live and work and raise families and worship. And I ask that you would give us all a spirit of unselfishness as our elected officials work on balancing our budgets and making tough cuts and other tough decisions. Help us, Lord, to learn to use what we have been blessed with wisely. And, Father, your word says "blessed is the nation who's God is the Lord." And I pray, O God, that every hour turn the year and fear that you are the one true Lord of this land. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Berman to lead us in the pledge.

REPRESENTATIVE BERMAN: Also, Daniel Gallant is the pastor's son-in-law, and he's the Chief of Staff for Bryan here. So that's another connection. Will you please join me in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States and a pledge of allegiance to the flag of Texas. Thank you, Members and guests.

(Pledge of Allegiance)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Excuse Representative Alonzo because of important business in the District. Excuse Representative Anchia because of important business in the District. Excuse Representative Lucio because of important business in the District. Excuse Representative Reynolds because of important business in the District and Representative White. Excuse Representative Marquez and Representative Raymond. Excuse Representative Naomi Gonzalez because of important business in the District. Excuse Representative Callegari because of important business in the District. Excuse Representative Garza because of important business. Excuse Representative Hernandez-Luna because of business in the District. Is there an objection? The Chair hears none. So ordered. Representative Berman moves to the House Resolution. The Chair hears none. So ordered. The Chair recognizes Representative Miller for a Resolution.

REPRESENTATIVE MILLER: Mr. Speaker, Members. House Resolution 1768 honors my desk mate's grandson as he graduates from the Citadel today in South Carolina.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Move passage. Move adoption. The Chair lays out the following Resolution. The clerk will read the Resolution.

THE CLERK: House Bill 1768 by Callegari.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair lays out as a matter of unfinished business House Bill 400.

THE CLERK: House Bill 400 by Eissler relating to public schools to administer primary and secondary education efficiently.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Members, there's a pending Point of Order on this bill. Members, the Chair is reviewing Mr. Martinez-Fischer's Point of Order. There was a printing error on the bill. The bill will be reprinted and sent back to calendar. The Point of Order is sustained. The Chair lays out on third reading House Bill 3473. Clerk read the bill.

THE CLERK: House Bill 7433 by Gallego relating to the defense of prosecution for a child that is 14 years old that is subject to prostitution.

REPRESENTATIVE GALLEGO: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members, this is the Defense of Prosecution that we passed yesterday. Mr. Menendez added an Amendment that has a technical error in it, and so there's a third reading Amendment that will correct the technical error that Mr. Menendez inadvertently put in his Amendment. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Mr. Speaker.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Martinez-Fischer, for what purpose? REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Parliamentary Inquiry.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Mr. Speaker, I understand the ruling of the Chair to sustain the Point of Order. What I'm trying to determine is it's been my understanding under Parliamentary practice that a sustained Point of Order returns the bill back to the Standing Committee and not the Committee on Calendars. Is there a distinction on this Point of Order?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Yes, Mr. Martinez-Fischer. In this case the error occurred after the Committee handled the bill. It was a printing error. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Okay. And so rather than to cure that error, just send it back to calendar and have it reset?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: No. The bill must be reprinted correctly. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: And does Calendar's Committee have to meet again to set the bill?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Yes, they would. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: And the 36-hour layout still applies?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Yes, that's correct. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, one more Parliamentary Inquiry.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Yesterday about 2:00 o'clock the Chair sustained a Point of Order and I was waiting for a response. Has the Chair had time to craft the response to the Point of Order that was overruled on House Bill 12?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Martinez-Fischer, the Parliamentarian has not at this point in time. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Mr. Speaker, Parliamentary Inquiry.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Is it the anticipation of the Chair that it will have a ruling on that Point of Order some time on this legislative calendar today?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Martinez-Fischer, that is our intention. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: And I'm sorry. I mean, I want to apologize to the Chair. I know the Chair is busy, but it seems to me that the analysis of the Chair came rather quickly. But the reasoning seems to be somewhat load, and I defer to the schedule and the responsibilities of the Chair. But I would think that if it was easy to overrule, perhaps it would be easy to explain so that I can understand the reasoning behind the Chair's decision.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Thank you very much, Martinez-Fischer. The Parliamentarian is working on the response. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Thank you, sir.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Hartnett, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE HARTNETT: Will you recognize me to take up all necessary rules to take up and consider House Bill 400 at this time?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: At this time, Mr. Hartnett.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Martinez-Fischer, for what purpose? REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Parliamentary Inquiry.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: This is not the first motion that's been made to suspend all necessary rules. I'd like to be clear for the body that what are our obligations understand Article 3, Section 37 of the Texas Constitution?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: I'm not advised. You'll have to -- REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: It's a very poignant question, Mr. Chair, because that determines how we bring bills to the floor. And I want the body to understand why we believe we're suspending the rules and I don't think it's as simple as some of you think. So I'd like to know what Article 3, Section 36 and/or Section 37 obligates the House to do with respect to bills before the House floor.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Martinez-Fischer, are you going to read us that Article? REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: If you'd like to designate me the Parlimentarian, yes, sir, I would.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: I'm not going to quite that far, sir, but I'd be happy to have you read it. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Well, with all due respect, what it seems to say here from the back mic is not always accepted as fact from the Chair. So I'd appreciate it if I hear from the Chair, then we know what the Chair is thinking and how the Chair feels about Article 3, Section 37.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Martinez-Fischer, I'll ask the clerk to read the Article.

THE CLERK: Article 3 Section 37, Reference to Committee and Report.

THE CLERK: "Bills shall be considered unless first reported to a Committee and reported thereon. "And no bill shall be passed that has not been presented and referred to and reported to the Committee at least three days before the final adjournment of the legislature." REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Does that mean that bills that come before this floor have to have a Committee Report pursuant to the Constitution?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: All right. Article 3, says exactly how the clerk read it. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. So anybody who wants to be recognized, the Committee Report would require a Constitutional Suspension of the rule, in addition to the rules of the House; is that correct?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Martinez-Fischer, that's not a pending matter before the House at this time. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The following Amendment. The clerk read the Amendment.

THE CLERK: Amendment by Gallego.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Gallego.

REPRESENTATIVE GALLEGO: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I indicated, this is a technical correction that cleans up an inadvertent error in the Menendez Amendment. I move passage and it is acceptable.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Representative Gallego sends up an Amendment that is acceptable to the author. Is there an objection? The Chair hears none. The Amendment is adopted. The Chair recognizes Representative Gallego.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Members, the question occurs on final passage of House Bill 3473. It's a record vote. Clerk ring the bell. Have all voted? Have all voted? 111 ayes. 5 nays. House Bill 3473 has finally passed. House Bill 2197 by Rodriguez. The clerk will read the bill.

THE CLERK: House Bill 2197 by Rodriguez affords the property as part of a home base program.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Rodriguez.

REPRESENTATIVE BURMAN: Parliamentary Inquiry.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Burman, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE BURMAN: Earlier this morning strict enforcement was called for roll call. Does strict enforcement still apply and may we ask who asked for strict enforcement earlier this morning for roll call?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Burman, there were several members who asked for strict enforcement of roll call.

REPRESENTATIVE BURMAN: And does it still apply or did it just apply for roll call?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: I believe the request was only for roll call.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Rodriguez.

REPRESENTATIVE RODRIGUEZ: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, members. This is a bill we heard yesterday that makes a modification to a bill I passed in 2005 that directed the land bank and originals of that law. Land bank allows the City of Austin to purchase properties due to non-payment of property taxes to be made available for affordable housing. Move passage.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Anyone wishing to speak for or against House Bill 2197? The question occurs on the final passage of House Bill 2197. It's a record vote. The clerk ring the bell. Have all voted? Being 72 ayes and 44 nays. House Bill 2197 finally passed. The Chair lays out on third reading and final passage, Senate Bill 1680. The clerk will read the bill.

THE CLERK: Senate Bill 1680 by Ellis relating to the fraud or theft regarding Medicare or Medicaid benefits. The Chair recognizes Representative Murphy.

REPRESENTATIVE MURPHY: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members. This is a bill that deals with Medicare and Medicaid fraud and makes prosecution easier. And I would move passage.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Anyone wishing to speak for or against Senate Bill 1680? The question occurs on the final passage of Senate Bill 1680. It's a record vote. The clerk will ring the bell. Have all voted? Being 116 ayes. 0 nays. The third bill finally passes. Senate Bill 1104. The clerk will read the bill.

THE CLERK: SB 1104. By Smith regarding the powers and duties of the Ship Channel District.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Smith.

REPRESENTATIVE SMITH: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members. This is the Houston Ship Channel Security District Bill. I move passage.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Anyone wishing to speak for or against Senate Bill 1104? The question occurs on the final passage of Senate Bill 1104. The clerk will ring the bell. Have all voted? 119 ayes, and 31 nays. Senate Bill 1104 has finally passed. The Chair lays out final reading and passage of Senate Bill 1341. The clerk will read the bill.

THE CLERK: SB 1341 by Elkins relating to the participation by taxing agencies to compel an Appraisal Review Board to order a review in the appraisal role.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Elkins.

REPRESENTATIVE ELKINS: Thank you. Mr. Speaker, Members. This is the bill we passed yesterday that brings informally to the tax codes clerical errors. Move passage.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Anyone wishing to speak for or against Senate Bill 1341? The question occurs on final passage of Senate Bill 1341. It's a record vote. The clerk will ring the bell. Have all voted? There being 118 ayes. 0 nays. House Bill 1341 has finally passed. The Chair lays out as a matter of postponed business House Bill 1629. The second reading. The clerk read the bill.

THE CLERK: House Bill 1629 by Anchia relating to energy efficiency goals and public information regarding energy efficiency programs.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Strama.

REPRESENTATIVE GALLEGO: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This is a bill I represented in Anchia that is waiting for a Senate Bill to be over and eligible. So I'm going to move to postpone until Tuesday, 7:00 a.m.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Members, you've heard the motion. Is there an objection? Chair hears none. So ordered. The Chair lays out as a matter of postponed business on third reading SB 132. The clerk read the bill.

THE CLERK: SB 132 relating to the regulation of selective services for an applicants driver's license or personal identification certificates.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Bonnen.

REPRESENTATIVE BONNEN: Mr. Speaker, this is Representative Flynn's bill, and this is about what the service is requiring that the young people, when they get their driver's license before the age of 18, are automatically in the system so that they've been notified at 18 to register. And then from 18 to 26 -- I do owe Representative Burman an apology. He was correct. I didn't have the information I needed in front of me, that they are automatically put into selective service from the ages of 18 to 26. That is the way this will work. It is a good bill and I believe there is an Amendment that Representative Flynn and Representative Wentworth have agreed to.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The following Amendment. The clerk will read the Amendment.

THE CLERK: Amendment by Alonzo.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Alonzo.

REPRESENTATIVE ALONZO: Mr. Speaker, Members. I've put together this Amendment, and basically, it says for those that are applicable to this that an application be available to them. It's my understanding that the ones they need to look at are Representative Flynn and the Senator. So what I'm going to do is pull the Amendment, second reading, to be able to talk with them to see if they're agreeable to this Amendment. So I'm going to pull this at this time, but I'm going to keep on working. Thank you.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Amendment is withdrawn. The follow Amendment. The will clerk read the Amendment.

THE CLERK: Amendment by Burman.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Burman.

REPRESENTATIVE BURMAN: Mr. Speaker, Members, this is an Amendment to the Amendment.

THE CLERK: Amendment by Burman.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Burman.

REPRESENTATIVE BURMAN: Mr. Speaker, Members, the Senator agrees to this because it provides provision for information, informed consent in the legislation. It's agreeable to the author, subject to adoption.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Representative Burman sends up an Amendment. It's acceptable to the author. Is there an objection? The Chair hears none. The Amendment to the Amendment is adopted. The Chair recognizes Mr. Burman sends up an Amendment as amended. The Amendment as amended is acceptable to the author. Is there an objection? The Chair hears none. So ordered. The Chair recognizes Representative Bonnen.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Anyone wishing to speak for or against Senate Bill 132? The question occurs on final passage of Senate Bill 132. It's a record vote. Clerk ring the bell. Have all voted? With 120 ayes, 0 nays, Senate Bill 132 has finally passed. The Chair lays out as a matter of postponed business House Bill 922. Clerk read the bill.

THE CLERK: HB 922 by Riddle relating to penalty of assessment of automated teller machines.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Members, Senate to House Bill 1922 is over and eligible. The Chair lays out Senate Bill 887. The clerk will read the bill.

THE CLERK: SB 887 by Riddle relating to the penalty or theft of automated teller machine or the contents of an automated teller machine.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Riddle.

REPRESENTATIVE RIDDLE: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This has to do with defense of automated teller machines. Move passage.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Anyone wishing to speak for or against Senate Bill 887? The question occurs on passage of Senate Bill 887. All those in favor say aye. All those opposed nay. The ayes have it. Senate Bill 887 has passed. Representative Riddle moves to lay House Bill 887 on the table. The Chair hears none. So ordered. The Chair lays out as a matter of postponed business second reading of House Bill 3308. The clerk read the bill.

THE CLERK: House Bill 3308 by Rodriguez, relating to the operation of plug in, electric motor vehicles.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair lays out Representative Rodriguez.

REPRESENTATIVE RODRIGUEZ: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I move to postpone this bill until 10:00 a.m. on Monday -- Monday, May 9, 7:00 a.m.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Members, you've heard the motion. Is there an objection? The Chair hears none. So ordered. Representative Chisolm, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE CHISOLM: Parliamentary Inquiry.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry.

REPRESENTATIVE CHISOLM: Mr. Speaker, I've heard that at some time or another we might break a quorum today and we have a quorum now. Would you recognize the need to Call on the House so we can make a quorum on the House to conduct business that's in session.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Chisolm, I'll ask, would you come down front, please.

(Brief recess taken.)

REPRESENTATIVE CHISOLM: Mr. Speaker, I move we put a Call on the House until we can maintain the House to conduct business.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Chisolm, do you have 15 seconds for the motion?


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Bring them down front, please.

(Parliamentary Inquiry)

(Brief recess taken.)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: I'm not sure what the term super majority is that you're referring to.

REPRESENTATIVE TURNER: If it takes 100 Members to establish a quorum -- point of Parliamentary Inquiry, Mr. Speaker.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry.

REPRESENTATIVE TURNER: How many republicans are in the Texas House of Representatives?


REPRESENTATIVE TURNER: Parliamentary Inquiry, Mr. Speaker.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry.

REPRESENTATIVE TURNER: If there are 101 republicans in the Texas House of Representatives and if they are here to do business, can the Texas House of Representatives conduct business and is there a quorum?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: If there are 100 Members on the floor, we can conduct business.

REPRESENTATIVE TURNER: If there are 101 republicans and if 101 republicans are present on this Saturday to do business in the Texas House, does it require, Mr. Speaker, Parliamentary Inquiry, one single democrat in order for the business to be conducted in the Texas House?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Turner, I'm not sure that the partisan number --

REPRESENTATIVE TURNER: No. Mr. Speaker, you shouldn't have made it partisan and you've got to get what you take. No, Mr. Speaker. I would like the roll to be called.


REPRESENTATIVE TURNER: And, Mr. Speaker, if there's going to be a roll call, I would request that all Members, whether they are present or anywhere in the State of Texas, that they be brought back to the Texas House before business is conducted on this day. I would ask that they be brought back, wherever they are, on this day before we conduct one single minute of business on the floor of the Texas House.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Turner, we're going to deal with the pending motion and then we can discuss it after.

REPRESENTATIVE TURNER: Parliamentary Inquiry, Mr. Speaker.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: I would amend Representative Chisolm's motion that if there's going to be a Call on the House, that the Call be made on 150 Members of the Texas House, and they be brought back to the Texas House wherever they may be. And that the Trooper be sent to bring them here on this date, no matter where they are, for business to be conducted and the sergeant will sign the warrant and the doors be locked and we will all stay here until they return.

(Brief recess taken.)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Chisolm's motion, we would welcome your input on it. If you would like to come down front.

REPRESENTATIVE TURNER: Parliamentary Inquiry, Mr. Speaker.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry.

REPRESENTATIVE TURNER: I didn't start it. This is where we are. I have no objection to the Call on the House. I have no objection. But I would amend Representative Chisolm's motion that the Call be made on 150 Members of the Texas House, and that this House Stand at Ease until DPS goes wherever they need to go to bring all Members back to the Texas House of Representatives and that the doors be locked until all are present and accounted for.

(Brief recess taken.)

(Call on the House).

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Chisolm.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Chisolm, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE CHISOLM: I would like to call my motion on the House and make a motion to suspend all necessary rules and to consider the bill on the calendar today.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Members, you've heard the motion. Is there an objection? Motion down front. Representative Thompson. Down front.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry.

REPRESENTATIVE THOMPSON: Does that include House Bill 400?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Chisolm is bringing it. Call on the House.

(Brief recess taken.)

(Call on the House)

REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER: Parliamentary Inquiry.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Hunter.

REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER: All necessary rules that allow us to take up particular motion ands proceedings like this.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Do you have any numbers?

REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER: Let me see, anything that falls in the rule book that is a necessary rule, we have talked about necessary rules since January. You have never asked for a definition. Members, I move passage. If you do not want to vote for this, fine. If you do, move passage. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Mr. Speaker. Parliamentary Inquiry --

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The time has expired. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: -- on the Article --

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The time has expired. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: This requires one-hour notice to the body. This rule suspension requires unanimous consent.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Martinez-Fischer, the gentleman's time has expired. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Mine hasn't.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Would you move to extend? REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Mine hasn't. I'm asking the Chair, you're the Chair.

(Inaudible.) You rule and if you don't want to enforce the rule, that's on you. It's not on me. Under Rule 14, Section IV, this is unanimous suspension (inaudible).

REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER: Members, I withdraw the motion. I believe 274 is next up. I believe there will be a motion presented in connection with the necessary rules. This one I will take down to the calendar on the other side. So I'm withdrawing it. Be ready to go forward on the calendar.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Ms. Davis, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE DAVIS: Would you recognize for a motion to adjourn in light of the discord in the Chamber?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Not at this time, Ms. Davis.

(Brief recess taken.)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Davis for a motion.

REPRESENTATIVE DAVIS: Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. I think that we demonstrated that we have a problem in the House with regard to direction and how we're going to move forward. At this time I think it would be appropriate and probably the most that we can do to show some respect for this House if we just adjourn until -- adjourn doing business today and that's my motion. I suggest we move to adjourn to Monday, 10:00 a.m.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Members, you've heard the motion. Vote aye. Vote nay. The clerk ring the bell. Strict enforcement has been requested. Vote from your desk. Have all voted? Members, the motion failed. The Chair lays out on second reading SB 977. The clerk will read the bill.

THE CLERK: SB 977 relating to municipal hotel occupancy in central municipalities.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Torres.

REPRESENTATIVE TORRES: Mr. Speaker, Members. I appreciate your favorable consideration of Senate Bill 977. This bill would amend the definition of eligible central municipalities to add Corpus Christi to the list of eligible cities that may participate in the construction of a qualified hotel project under the Enterprise Zone Program. And, Members, I believe there's an Amendment.

(Brief recess taken.)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Senate Bill is over and eligible. The Senate lays out Senate Bill 977. The clerk will read the bill.

THE CLERK: SB 977 by Chairman Avilla regarding the disposition of central and municipalities --

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Burman, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE BURMAN: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Is it true that the last record vote was 841?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: We'll check for you. The last record vote was 6 ayes, 96 nays. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: That was not the question.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Repeat your question.

REPRESENTATIVE BURMAN: Parliamentary Inquiry.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry.

REPRESENTATIVE BURMAN: The last record vote was (inaudible) and there were how many nay votes?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: 96. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: And there were how many present not voting votes?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: One. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: And if my math is correct, isn't 6 plus 96, plus 1, 103?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: I believe your math is correct.

REPRESENTATIVE BURMAN: And if the quorum requires 100, and the votes casts were 103, I'm requesting the verification on the most recent vote.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: It's too late.

REPRESENTATIVE BURMAN: No. It's not too late, and it's based on the fact that we are within three of not having a quorum, and the precedent is that if there's less than a five-vote spread, we can have a verification. And I am asking for a verification on the most recent vote.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Burman, the vote spread was 90 votes.

REPRESENTATIVE BURMAN: Say that again, please. No. That's not the question. The question is: There are fewer than five votes to determining whether or not we have quorum. And the precedents established are: I am entitled to a verification?



SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Sure. Bring your Point of Order down front.

(Brief recess taken.)

(Point of Order).

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Point of Order is respectfully overruled. The Chair recognizes Representative Torres.

REPRESENTATIVE TORRES: Members, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate your favorable consideration of Senate Bill 977. It would amend the definition of the eligible central municipality to include Corpus Christi to have construction of a qualified hotel project. There is an Amendment.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The following Amendment. The clerk read the Amendment.

THE CLERK: Amendment by Murphy.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Murphy.

REPRESENTATIVE MURPHY: Thank you. Mr. Speaker. Members. This Amendment makes some provisions for the allowance of hotel taxes to be refunded through the Comptroller's office and I believe it's acceptable to the author.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Representative Murphy sends up an Amendment. The Amendment is acceptable to the author. Any objections? Chair hears none. The Amendment is adopted. The Chair recognizes Representative Torres.

REPRESENTATIVE TORRES: Members, I move passage.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Anyone wishing to speak for or against Senate Bill 977? The question occurs on passage of 977. All those in favor say aye. All those opposed say nay. A record vote's been requested. Record vote is granted. Clerk ring the bell. Have all Members voted? There being 91 ayes, 9 nays and one present not voting. Senate Bill 977 is passed. Mr. Martinez-Fischer, for what purpose? REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Mr. Speaker.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: As I read the board, there are 101 votes; is that correct?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: That is correct. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: And we need a quorum to maintain business; is that correct?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: That's correct. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Okay. So the difference of whether or not we have two people on the vote on the floor, verified, is the difference as to whether or not this measure, Senate Bill 977, actually passes because it could fail for lack of a quorum; isn't that correct?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Martinez-Fischer, the spread of the vote was 91 to 9. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Yes, sir. But if there is an absence of a quorum, then regardless of the vote, even if it was with 76 to 0, the absence of a quorum would suggest that there is not a quorum of the House. There is no business that can be transacted and that would be subject to a Point of Order. And so I've correctly asserting the prior motion to verify. I'm seeking a motion to verify for the purposes of whether or not we have a quorum for the purposes of determining if there was a quorum present to pass Senate Bill 977. I believe there is an opening precedent from Speaker Craddick that bears that out very, very succinctly.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Bring your Point of Order down front.

REPRESENTATIVE BRANCH: Will the gentleman yield? Parliamentary Inquiry.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry.

REPRESENTATIVE BRANCH: Mr. Martinez-Fischer was talking about people being on the floor. I noticed at his light, maybe there was a malfunction. I noticed that his light didn't come up. Is Mr. Martinez-Fischer here or not?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Branch, I can assure you he's here.

REPRESENTATIVE BONNEN: Mr. Speaker. Parliamentary Inquiry.


REPRESENTATIVE BONNEN: If Representative Martinez-Fischer wants to use his vote in respect to quorum, would it be necessary to make the motion that we put a Call on the House, considering there are multiple Members, not simply Mr. Martinez-Fischer, who I did see within my sight, whose lights are not lit, but are on this floor. So how then do you use this great quorum question?

(Brief recess taken.)

REPRESENTATIVE CHISOLM: Mr. Speaker, I just wanted a Parliamentary Inquiry to discuss Rule 5 section --

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: There's a pending Court Order, Mr. Chisolm. We'll take it up after that.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Chisolm, would you come down front.

(Brief recess taken.)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Representative Martinez-Fischer sought recognition for a Motion for Verification on the last record vote. The Chair did not recognize him for that motion. Mr. Martinez-Fischer, for what purpose? REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Just so I'm clear: It's not as if you're making a ruling as to whether or not being within one vote, two votes, five votes, that the body is entitled to a verification? You're just choosing under your power of recognition not to recognize me, correct?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Martinez-Fischer, the Chair has reviewed the vote and doesn't think there's grounds for a verification. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Okay. So rather than just denying it, which you have the power to do, you're saying you're not going to recognize me for it, just so I'm clear?


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair excuses the following: Represent Walle has important business in the District. Representative Pickett because of important business. Excuse Representative Bogue because of business in the District. Excuse Representative Oliveira because of important business. Excuse Representative Menendez because of important business. Excuse Representative Yvonne Davis on the motion of Representative Turner. Excuse Representative Turner on the matter of important business. Is there an objection? The Chair hears none. So ordered. Mr. Chairman, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE TAYLOR: With that last list of excused absences, do we still have a quorum?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Taylor, it appears that we would not.

REPRESENTATIVE TAYLOR: Mr. Speaker, is the body aware that we tried to work with the democrats on how to handle some bills today, and they refused that, and that we've also tried to work with them on how to deal with bills on Monday and they refused that? I just think that this House needs to be aware that we are here, we are ready to work and we are not being given an opportunity to work with our colleagues on the democrat side. Mr. Speaker?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Taylor, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE TAYLOR: And also a number of Members who I believe are actually here and didn't vote on that last bill -- how does that work with the quorum and that type of thing? I have a list of probably 12 or 13 names that were here that didn't vote. How does that work? Violation of the rules? Machine malfunctions, I'm hearing. Can we get these machines corrected and maybe we can continue on and carry on and get some business done?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Taylor, I'm going to excuse Representative McClendon because of important business in the District and motion for Representative Turner.

REPRESENTATIVE TAYLOR: Rule 5, Section IV, Parliamentary Inquiry, Mr. Speaker. Under Rule 5, Section IV, Failure Or Refusal to Vote. "Any member who's present and fails and refuses to vote after being requested by the Speaker and present but not voting. "And shall be counted for the purpose of making a quorum." Can we have a reconsideration of the vote or verify the vote?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Taylor, there's an objection on the motion to excuse Representative McClendon. Is there an objection? The Chair hears none. So ordered. Mr. Sheffield, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE SHEFFIELD: Can I have the exchange between you and Representative Taylor put in the journal, please.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Members, you've heard the motion. Is there an objection? The Chair hears none. So ordered. The Chair recognizes Representative Strama.

REPRESENTATIVE STRAMA: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. House Bill 629 was postponed until Tuesday, 7:00 a.m. I want to clarify that to Monday May 10th at 7:00 a.m.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Members, you've heard the motion. Is there an objection? The Chair hears none. So ordered. Please excuse Representative Johnson because of important business on the motion of Representative Lucio. Excuse Representative Veasey and Representative Quintanilla on the motion of Representative Castro. Is there an objection? Mr. Bonnen?


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: For what purpose? REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Sorry. I earlier was pointing out Rule 5, Section IV, and the fact that there were numerous Members, but at the moment I raise that I was able to physically see were present and had chosen not to vote. For that reason, and I know we've moved on, but I would respectfully request that we vote on strict enforcement.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The record vote is requested. Strict enforcement has been requested. Strict enforcement has granted. Ring the bell. Have all voted? Members, strict enforcement has been requested. You'll have plenty of time to take your seats. Have all voted? 17 ayes and 89 nays. The motion failed. Mr. Castro?

REPRESENTATIVE CASTRO: Mr. Speaker, I raise the Point of Order against further consideration of House Bill 274 under Rule 6, under the rulings of the House of Representative because the bill was not eligible for placement under the emergency calendar at the time that that calendar was posted.


(Brief recess taken.)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The House Stands at Ease for five minutes.

(The House Stands at Ease)

(Brief recess taken.)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The House come to order. The Chair has reviewed the precedence and reviewed Rule 6, Section 6 and has also reviewed Rule 13, Section 1. The Point of Order is respectfully overruled. The Chair recognizes Representative Creighton.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: For what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE CREIGHTON: Will the Chair recognize me to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider House Bill 274 today, the second reading?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Hartnett, it is on the floor currently?

REPRESENTATIVE HARTNETT: Yes, but by accepting that motion, it will wipe out all points of order on this bill.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Bring your motion down front, please.


(Brief recess taken.)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Members, you've heard the motion. Is there an objection?


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Lucio, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE LUCIO: Parliamentary Inquiry.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry. REPRESENTATIVE MARTINEZ-FISCHER: Essentially, would we be setting a precedent with this motion that from this point forward we could eliminate all Points of Order using this exact procedure inturpitude moving forward?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Lucio, the House has limited debates to specially-set items. A number of other items.

REPRESENTATIVE LUCIO: I'm sorry. I'm listening to a movie over here. Give me one second. Okay. So if moving forward this particular motion were to succeed, any bill moving forward, someone can come up and say, I want to suspend all necessary rules to keep Points of Order from this bill only. So, essentially, it does not keep anyone in the future in the 83rd, 84th, 85th session, from coming up prior to laying out their bill and asks for the majority rule of the House to suspend all necessary rules to keep their Point of Order called on the bill they're about to lay out?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Lucio, we take motions one motion at a time. The Chair recognizes Representative Eiland to speak in opposition.

REPRESENTATIVE EILAND: Mr. Speaker, Members, you're about to make a bad day that we've had here much worse. We've been working hard here, 7:30 Monday, and after 10:00 o'clock every other day of this week. We're not here at 2:00 o'clock before Mother's Day, people are testy. People are tired. But that does not justify breaking the rules and wiping away rules where we are supposed to have public disclosure. We are supposed to have public notice. If it's going to be our procedure to take up any bill you want to and eliminate the public notice and public disclosure, that's a bad idea and that's bad precedence. Last night the Licensing & Administration Committee gave two minutes' notice before meeting --


REPRESENTATIVE EILAND: Just a minute, Mr. Burman. Before meeting.


REPRESENTATIVE EILAND: I do not yield. Before voting out a gambling bill. Okay? The public notice that we are giving the public requirements that we should not be wiped clean on one bill or ten bills.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: A record vote's been requested. A record vote is granted. Strict enforcement. Vote from your desk. The clerk will ring the bell. Strict enforcement means sit in your chair and vote at your desk for yourself. Have all voted? Have all voted? Being 82 ayes, 15 nays. One present not voted. Representative Martinez-Fischer makes a motion to adjourn until 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 9th. All those in favor say aye. All those vote no.

(Brief recess taken.)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Strict enforcement has been requested. Vote from your desk. Members, please strike the board, Mr. Martinez-Fischer's request for strict enforcement. Strike the board. Members, the question occurs on Mr. Martinez-Fischer's motion to adjourn until 10:00 a.m. on Monday. It's a record vote. Strict enforcement has been requested. Strict enforcement is granted. Please vote from your desk. Have all voted? Have all Members voted? Being 10 ayes, 93 nays, one present not voting. The motion fails. Mr. Weber, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE WEBER: Mr. Speaker, I move the Speaker put a Call on the House.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Weber, would you come down front, please.

(Brief recess taken.)

(Call on the House)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Weber.

REPRESENTATIVE WEBER: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I will withdraw that motion.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair Representative Creighton.

REPRESENTATIVE CREIGHTON: Mr. Speaker. Members. I want to, under the rules of the Texas House of Representatives, Rule 7, 21, make a motion to move the previous question.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Creighton, you've got 25 seconds. Mr. Eiland, state your inquire.

REPRESENTATIVE EILAND: Are you recognizing for that motion to be made at this bill, at this time with not a single Amendment being offered by any member of the House?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: I've asked for verification of his motion.

REPRESENTATIVE EILAND: Parliamentary Inquiry.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: State your inquiry.

REPRESENTATIVE EILAND: Is that a privilege motion that must be recognized?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: No, it is not.

REPRESENTATIVE EILAND: So it's your choice to recognize him for the motion before a single Amendment has been offered? Before a single minute of debate has occurred on this bill?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Eiland, there will be a three-minute pro and con debate.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: On the motion.

REPRESENTATIVE EILAND: I'm talking about the bill. The bill has not been laid out. There has been no debate. There has been no Amendments offered, correct?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Pursuant to Rule 7, Section 23, "after the previous question has been ordered, there shall be no debate upon the questions upon which it has been ordered or upon the incidental questions, except that the mover of the proposition or any of the member making the report from the Committee or in the case of the absence of either of them, any other member designated by such absentee shall have the right to close the debates on the particular proposition or Amendment. "A vote shall be taken immediately on the Amendment or other motions if any, and then on the main question."

REPRESENTATIVE EILAND: So once you choose to recognize them, which you don't have to, there's nothing else that can be done, correct?

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: There will be a three-minute pro and con debate. The Chair recognizes Representative Creighton for the motion.

REPRESENTATIVE CREIGHTON: Mr. Speaker, I make a motion to move the previous question under Rule 7, 21.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Members, the motion's been sent in by 25 Members. Three-minute pro and con debate will be allowed on the motion. The Chair recognizes Representative Eiland in opposition.

REPRESENTATIVE EILAND: Mr. Speaker, as I said a moment ago, this is a bad day and getting much worse. I'm on the board of the American Board of Trial Advocates, which is what I would call the cream of the crop in trial lawyers of all types -- family law, criminal law, civil law, personal injury law -- and you have to meet strict criteria and be invited to be a member. They are against this bill. They have issues and have Amendments to make it better. Mr. Smithee has Amendments to make it better. When you call the previous question, when this is a republican-supported bill, you all have 80 co-authors. You have 101 Members of this House. You can pass the bill at any time you want to. But to eliminate the base, eliminate hearing of the voices and to eliminate opportunity to make it better -- that is a grave mistake. I have to go out and work under these rules, and to know that there is no debate in the House of Representatives, where we mix it up as opposed to the club and the Senate, where they don't, is very disappointing. You all can pass this bill and any other bill you want to at any time without resorting to this depth of elimination of public debate and suppressions of the minority voice.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Creighton.

REPRESENTATIVE CREIGHTON: Mr. Speaker. Members. We've been trying to debate this bill for days. We've been trying to debate this bill for hours today. We've had Parliamentary procedures used at trench warfare to keep this bill from being considered. We've got over 80 authors joined and co-authors on this bill. We will be able to consider debate and Amendments on third readings. This is an emergency item. Everyone on this floor has measures that are to be considered that are very important following this bill that we have to get to before this session expires. And my motion stands. Thank you for your consideration and please support this motion.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Pursuant to the Rule 7, Section 21, all those in favor of ordering the previous questioning say aye. All those opposed nay. A record vote has been requested. A record vote is granted. Strict enforcement has been requested. Vote from your desk. Have all voted? Have all voted? There being 86 ayes, 11 nays and 3 present not voting, the motion prevails. Mr. Weber, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE WEBER: I'm just waiting for the gentleman.

(Brief recess taken.)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Creighton.

REPRESENTATIVE CREIGHTON: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members. Move passage.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The question occurs on passage of House Bill 274. All those in favor say aye. All those opposed say nay. Ayes have it. House Bill 274 has passed. Record vote has been requested. Record vote is granted. Strict enforcement has been requested. The clerk will ring the bell. Have all voted? Have all voted? Have all Members voted? 89 ayes, 12 nays. Two present not voting. House Bill 274 has passed. The second reading out of House Bill 372. Clerk read the bill.

THE CLERK: Guilt by association and to the Resolution of assorted disputes (inaudible. )

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Gallego, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE GALLEGO: Mr. Speaker, I would raise a Point of Order in furtherance for House Bill 272 under House Rule 4, Section 32C because of analysis is substantially immaterial.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Bring your Point of Order down front.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Chisolm, for what purpose?

REPRESENTATIVE CHISOLM: I move to suspend all necessary rules that the House may consider House Bill 272.

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Mr. Chisolm, we're currently under a Point of Order of Order.

(Brief recess taken.)

(Point of Order)

(The House Stands at Ease)

SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: The Chair recognizes Representative Gallego and Representative Miller. Miller and Gallego to move that the House stands adjourned until 10:00 a.m. Monday, May 9, 2011. The House stands adjourned.