REPRESENTATIVE JOE STRAUS: The House will come to order. Members, please, register. Have all registered? Have all members registered? The quorum is present. The House and gallery please rise for the invocation, and the chair recognizes Representative Sheffield to introduce the pastor of the day.
REPRESENTATIVE RALPH SHEFFIELD: Members, good morning. I'm honored to have today our chaplain from Temple, Texas, Gregory Hartigan. Mr. Hartigan served U.S. Navy, Vietnam Veteran '65 to '70. Served as communications technology operator second class. Recently retired after 20 years as manager of technical support. *Scott and White Hospital there in Bell County, is married, has two daughters, is pastor * of the Bell Post 1820 VFW in Temple and is District 14 VFW chaplain for central Texas. Please welcome, Gregory Hartigan. Pastor: Before we start here this morning -- this afternoon let us quietly remember and pray for the victims of Japan. It's a devastating earthquake that took place and followed by the tsunami and there's tens of thousands of people that have lost their lives. So if you would, please, let's quietly remember them. Let us pray. Eternal Father creator of everything, we humbly stand before you this day to say thank you and ask for help with our lives. We want to say thank you for our wives and husbands, children and grandchildren, and all the many blessings you have given us in our lifetimes. This also includes the furry four legged friends who don't care if we've taken a shower or not. You have put them here to listen to our troubles and our joys and all they want in return is to be fed and loved. How about that for a blessing? We want to say thank you for all the girls and boys who signed up for military service during this war and turned into proud young men and women who protect us everyday as our centurions and guardians of our freedom in this great land called the United States of America. We want to say thank you for all of the first responders who protect us every minute of every hour of every day of every year of our lives. Without them life would be a lot more frightening than it is. We want to say thank you for this great state, the republic of Texas where you can live a life of freedom as envisioned by the founding fathers of the state and the country. And now we would like to ask for your enlightenments and guidance in our duties as elected representatives of this great state. We realize that we are here by your hand and the vote of our constituents. The burden is heavy but with your help we will overcome the many challenges to come before us. We pray that you will -- we pray that we will never forget who our creator is and by the power of that creator govern this state with wisdom, fairness, and consensus. All this we ask in your name. Amen.
REPRESENTATIVE JOE STRAUS: Chair recognizes Representative Gonzales to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
REPRESENTATIVE LARRY GONZALEZ: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members, and honors guests who have joined us in the gallery. Please join with as we honor our nation and our state by reciting the Pledges of Allegiance to our flags. [PLEDGE]
REPRESENTATIVE JOE STRAUS: Excuse Representative Creighton because of important business in the district on the motion of Representative Weber. Is there objection? Chair hears none. So ordered. Representative Gonzales moves the House dispense with the reading and referrals of bills until the end of today's business. Is there objection? Chair hears none. So ordered. Chair recognizes Representative Larson to introduce our doctor of the day.
REPRESENTATIVE LYLE LARSON: Members, guests I'd like to introduce Dr. Mitchell Finnie. He grew up in San Antonio and went to Clark High School and then he went to Baylor School of Medicine, and then he did his residency up there as well. Then he taught for five years the residency program there in San Antonio. He has been a sole practitioner for the last 11 years in San Antonio. And Representative Lucio and Representative Hancock -- he's got a passion for running. He's done the iron man competition a number of times and he continues to run. He's here with his beautiful bride Chrissy and his nephew Steve Toledo. So, let's give a warm reception to the physician of the day, Mitch Finnie. Thank you.
THE CHAIR: The Chair recognizes Representative Geren for an announcement.
REPRESENTATIVE CHARLIE GEREN: Members -- thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members, if I could have your attention, please. If you have children -- especially new members, if you have children or grandchildren whose picture or name is not -- has never been on a composite you need to fill out the form that's online, so, your kid or grandkid can be included as a mascot on next year's composite. How to do it is in your mailbox. We have sent you an email and you have until April 15th to get the information into our office. Thank you.
REPRESENTATIVE JOE STRAUS: Chair recognizes Representative Shelton for a motion.
REPRESENTATIVE MARK SHELTON: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I move that we suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider House Resolution 641.
REPRESENTATIVE JOE STRAUS: Members, you've heard the motion. Is there objection? Chair hears none. So ordered. Chair lays out HR 641. The clerk will read the resolution.
THE CLERK: HR 641 by Shelton. WHEREAS, Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an unpredictable debilitating disease of the central nervous system in which the flow of information between the brain and body is interrupted; and WHEREAS, Every hour of every day, someone in the United States is diagnosed with MS; often first detected in individuals ages 20 through 50, it is the most common neurological disease leading to disability in young adults; MS affects an estimated 2.5 million people worldwide, including 400,000 in the United States and more than 20,000 in Texas and WHEREAS, The National Multiple Sclerosis Society: Lone Star is a community of Texans who are committed to doing something about MS now; they support programs and services to enhance the lives of people with MS, raise funds and awareness through Bike MS and Walk MS events, and invest in research toward a cure for the disease; and WHEREAS, In partnership with the Office of Public Insurance Counsel and the Texas Department of Insurance, the Lone Star group was instrumental in the recent adoption of a statewide ban on discretionary clauses in life, health, and disability insurance policies, and this action will help protect Texans living with MS as well as all Texas consumers; and WHEREAS, Though much still remains to be done, the work of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the other organizations and Institutions working in behalf of those with MS are helping to create a dynamic movement with the ultimate goal of achieving a world free of MS; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas Legislature hereby recognize March 14 through 20, 2011, as Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week in Texas and encourage efforts to inform Texans about MS and MS services.
THE CHAIR: The Chair recognizes Representative Shelton.
REPRESENTATIVE MARK SHELTON: Thank you, Madam Speaker. We are privileged today to welcome the Loan Star chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis to the gallery. I think they're spread out in the gallery would y'all stand up and welcome them to the House. I'm honored to introduce this wonderful organization and recognize March 14 through March 20th as Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week in Texas. MS affects about 20,000 of our fellow Texans and this group is dedicated to fighting this disease and we are very proud to have them here as they have been instrumental in leading the fight in Texas. Mr. Speaker, move passage.
THE CHAIR: Members, you heard the motion. Is there any objection? The chair hears none. The resolution is adopted. Representative Hardcastle moves to add all names. Is there any objection? The Chair hears none. So moved. Chair recognizes Representative Geren for a recognition.
REPRESENTATIVE CHARLIE GEREN: Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members help me -- welcome back Dean Craddick we're happy to have you back from the hospital.
THE CHAIR: Chair recognizes Representative Burnam.
REPRESENTATIVE LON BURNAM: Members, I move to suspend all necessary rules to bring up HR 659.
THE CHAIR: Members, you've heard the motion. Is there any objection? Chair hears none. Rules are suspended. Chair lays out House Resolution No. 659. Clerk will read the resolution.
THE CLERK: HR 659 by Burnam. Congratulating Odessa Prescott of Fort Worth on the occasion her 100th birthday.
THE CHAIR: Chair recognizes Representative Burnam.
REPRESENTATIVE LON BURNAM: Members, this is a distinguished citizen in my district and she's celebrating her 100th birthday this week. Move adoption.
THE CHAIR: Members, you've heard the motion. Is there objection? Chair hears none. House Resolution No. 659 is adopted. Chair recognizes Dr. Zerwas. Chair recognizes Dr. Aycock as soon as he gets his glasses on.
REPRESENTATIVE JIMMIE DON AYCOCK: Mr. Speaker, I move that the rules be suspended to allow the following: The five-day posting rule to allow appropriations, to consider pending bills during the reading and referral on March 14th, 2011 in E1030.
THE CHAIR: Is there objection to the suspension of rules? Chair hears none. So ordered. Hit it. Chair recognizes Dr. Aycock.
REPRESENTATIVE JIMMIE DON AYCOCK: Mr. Speaker, I move that we suspend all necessary rules including the five-day posting rule to allow the committee on appropriations to consider House budget recommendations at 8:00 a.m. on March 15th, 2011 in E1030.
THE CHAIR: Is there objection to the suspension of the rules? Chair hears none. So ordered. Chair recognizes Dr. Aycock.
REPRESENTATIVE JIMMIE DON AYCOCK: Mr. Speaker, I request permission for the committee on appropriations to meet while the House is in session at the time of reading and referrals of bills on March 14th, 2011, E1030 to consider pending bills.
THE CHAIR: Is there objection to the suspension of the rules? Chair hears none. So ordered. Following announcements. The clerk will read the announcements.
THE CLERK: The committee on appropriations will meet during reading and referral of bills on March 14th, 2011, E1.030. This will be a public hearing to consider pending bills. The committee on appropriations will meet at 8:00 a.m. on March 15th, 2011 at E1.030. This will be a public hearing to consider House budget recommendations. The committee on appropriations will meet at 7:00 a.m. on March 15th, 2011 at E1.030. This will be a formal meeting to consider pending bills. The Committee on Corrections will meet at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 at E2.018. This will be formal meeting to consider HB 1915.
THE CHAIR: Chair recognizes Representative Farrar for an announcement.
REPRESENTATIVE JESSICA FARRAR: Mr. Speaker and members, upon adjournment the Democratic Caucus will meet in the old Supreme Court room -- I'm sorry, the Court of Appeals.
THE CHAIR: Chair recognizes Representative Madden for a recognition.
REPRESENTATIVE JERRY MADDEN: Mr. Speaker, members, we have today visiting in the Capitol a group called, Patriotic Riders. They're those people who go to the military burials and support the families and support the fallen troops. They are a group of motorcycle riders who have one thing in common in that they have an unwavering respect for those who risk their lives for America's freedom and security. And they ask, obviously, anybody who shares that belief to join them. I don't know if any of the riders are here. If you are, please, stand up. If not, they will be around the Capitol today and thank them very much for coming --
THE CHAIR: The Chair recognizes Representative Jackson for a motion.
REPRESENTATIVE JIM JACKSON: Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend the five-day posting rule, all necessary rules for the Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee to take up and consider House Bill 7 at 2:00 p.m. or upon final adjournment or recess today, March 14th, 2011, in room E2010.
THE CHAIR: Members, you've heard the motion. Is there any objection? Chair hears none. So ordered. Hit it. The Chair recognizes Representative Solomons.
REPRESENTATIVE BURT SOLOMONS: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, members. I request permission for the Committee on Redistricting to meet while the House is in session at 9:00 a.m. date is, March 15th, 2011. The place is the extension auditorium E1.004 to consider posted business.
THE CHAIR: Members, you've heard the motion. Is there any objection? Chair hears none. So ordered. The following announcements. The clerk will read the announcement.
THE CLERK: The Committee on Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence will meet at 2:00 p.m. or upon final adjournment or recess today, March 14th, 2011 at E2.010. This will be a public hearing to consider HB 7.
THE CHAIR: Members, this is a previously adopted resolution. This is a Memorial Resolution. So, I will ask you to take your seats or take your conversations outside the rail. The chair lays out the following Memorial Resolution. Members this is a Memorial Resolution. The clerk will read the resolution.
THE CLERK: HR 268 by Gooden. WHEREAS, The citizens of Mabank and the surrounding communities are mourning the loss of Louann Confer, who passed away on December 24, 2010, at the age of 57; and WHEREAS, The former Louann Hyde was born to William F. "Dub" and Nell Hyde on March 13, 1953, in Mabank, where her father ran the general store and pharmacy on Market Street; she graduated from Mabank High School in 1971, going on to attend The University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University and earning a bachelor's degree in education and a master's degree in urban planning; and WHEREAS, She met Scott Confer while living in Florida, and the two were married on November 28, 1987; she returned to the Mabank area with her husband in 1992 in order to be closer to her father and became the city administrator for her hometown the following year; and WHEREAS, The deep roots that Ms. Confer had in Mabank made her a natural fit in local government, and she played a key role in numerous city projects, including the creation of a new city hall an outdoor pavilion, a walking trail, a rodeo arena, and new fire stations, as well as the establishment of an economic development corporation; she was known for her skill with finances and her ability to secure funding for municipal needs, as well as for her professionalism, determination, and friendly and caring attitude; and WHEREAS, Although her life ended far too soon, Louann Confer had a positive and lasting influence on the Mabank community, and she will forever be remembered with great admiration and affection by all who had the privilege to know her; now, therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Louann Confer and extend sincere condolences to the members of her family: to her husband, R. Scott Confer; to her father, William F. Hyde; to her aunts, Janie Crow and Nita Snowdon; to her uncle, Jule Crow; to her cousins, Beverly Fulfer and John Walter Crow; and to her other relatives and many friends; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Louann Confer.
THE CHAIR: The Chair recognizes Representative Gooden.
REPRESENTATIVE LANCE GOODEN: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, members. Louann Confer was a lifelong member of the Mabank community and she was in city government and a pillar of the community there. And she passed suddenly on Christmas Eve last year at age 57. And it's been a tragic time for the city of Mabank. But her husband is here joining us on the back dais and he has been helping the city move on after her loss. And she was such a tremendous asset to city government and to everyone in the community. She helped bring business into the community and improved the lives of everyone there and she will be greatly missed. And I ask that we move adoption and add all members names to this resolution. Thank you.
THE CHAIR: Members, you've heard the motion. This is a Memorial Resolution all those in favor, please, rise. The resolution is adopted. The Chair recognizes representative Gooden.
REPRESENTATIVE LANCE GOODEN: Mr. Speaker, members, I move to suspend all necessary rules and take up and consider HR 290. Correction, 237.
THE CHAIR: Members you've heard the motion. Is there any objection? Chair hears none. The rules are suspended. Chair lays out House Resolution 237. The clerk will read the resolution.
THE CLERK: HR 237 by Gooden. WHEREAS, Residents from the Cedar Creek Lake area of Henderson County are gathering in Austin on February 1, 2011, to celebrate Cedar Creek Lake Area Day at the State Capitol; and WHEREAS, More than 75,000 Texans reside near Cedar Creek Lake, which encompasses 38,000 acres and features 328 miles of picturesque shoreline; locals and tourists alike take advantage of the state's largest residential lake by engaging in a wide range of outdoor activities, including boating, fishing, swimming, camping and golfing; and WHEREAS, With a healthy blend of residential and business interests, the region has much to offer citizens of 13 growing towns, including Kemp, Gun Barrel City, Eustace, Mabank, Seven Points, and Tool; and WHEREAS, While all of these cities are proud of their individual identities, they also together share the values and ideals of a caring, close-knit community; and WHEREAS, Cedar Creek Lake is one of our state's true treasures, and residents justifiably take great pride in the beauty and character of the surrounding area; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas Legislature hereby recognize February 1, 2011, as Cedar Creek Lake Area Day at the State Capitol and extend to the delegation here today sincere best wishes for an enjoyable and memorable visit.
THE CHAIR: Chair recognizes representative Gooden.
REPRESENTATIVE LANCE GOODEN: Members, today is Cedar Clear Lake Day and I've got a lot of large group up there in the gallery. Will y'all stand up? This is a contingent of folks from all over the Cedar Creek Lake area. If you've never been, it's about 80,000 people total east of Dallas, about an hour and a half away. And we've got leaders from the community back here. We've got Scott Confer, Jo Ann Hanstrom who is our Chamber of Commerce Director, and then we've got Jim Ragsdale and Barbara Caudell. Please give them a welcome. Thank you. Members I move adoption.
THE CHAIR: Members you've heard the motion. Is there any objection? Chair hears none. The resolution is adopted. Please excuse Representative Erwin Cain because of important business in the district on motion of Representative James White. Is there any objection? Chair hears none. So ordered. Members, if you have any announcements please bring them down front. Chair recognizes Representative Gonzales for a recognition.
REPRESENTATIVE VERONICA GONZALES: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, members. Today we had in the outside on the south steps we had several groups from the American Federation of Teachers visiting us today at the Capitol in support of public education and we have some that are in the gallery. I know the La Joya AFT is here. If you will stand. And if there are any other groups here, please, rise as well. We'd like to recognize you and welcome you to the Capitol. Also I know from Edingburg, Texas we have some as well. Welcome.
THE CHAIR: Chair recognizes Representative Castro.
REPRESENTATIVE JOAQUIN CASTRO: Mr. Speaker, members. I move to suspend all necessary rules and take up and consider House Resolution 818 honoring Representative Joe Farias on his birthday which was yesterday. We have a resolution here for you, Joe.
THE CHAIR: Members you've heard the motion. It's House Resolution 818. Is there any objection? Chair hears none. So ordered. Chair lays out House Resolution 818. The clerk will read the resolution.
THE CLERK: HR 818 by Castro. WHEREAS, Our friend and colleague, the Honorable Joe Farias of San Antonio, celebrated his 65th birthday on March 13, 2011; and WHEREAS, A lifelong resident of House District 118, Joe Farias served this nation in the Vietnam War as a member of the U.S Army; returning home, he joined City Public Service in San Antonio as a machinist, and, after a notable 32-year career with the municipal utility, he retired as a supervisor of the technical training section in 2003; and WHEREAS, This knowledgeable civic leader has served on the boards of the Harlandale Independent School District and the San Antonio Zoning Commission, and he has further given back to his community in myriad ways, from coaching Little League to hosting fund-raisers to help those in need; and WHEREAS, Representative Farias has been a strong advocate for working Texans since joining the house in 2007; during his tenure he has advocated for legislation to assist members of the armed forces and their families, to help increase the number of young Texans benefiting from the Children's Health Insurance Program, and to study an initiative to more effectively reduce juvenile crime; recognized for his outstanding efforts, he was named Freshman of the Year by the Mexican American Legislative Caucus; and WHEREAS, In the 81st Legislative Session, Representative Farias helped to create and then chaired the Texas Veterans Caucus an organization of legislators who work together to support pro-veteran legislation, such as expanding college tuition benefits to spouses of veterans who were killed or disabled in action; in addition, he was a leader in the effort to recognize Texas A&M University--San Antonio as a stand-alone campus; and WHEREAS, Now in his third term, Representative Farias serves on the House Committees of Defense and Veterans Affairs, Elections Local and Consent Calendars, and Rules and Resolutions; and WHEREAS, In all of his endeavors, he enjoys the love and support of his wife of nearly four decades, Angie, and his sons Gabe, Joey, Jaime, and Daniel; and WHEREAS, Joe Farias has proven himself to be a man of conviction and character, and his birthday provides an opportune time to honor him for his many good works; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable Joe Farias on his 65th birthday and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued happiness; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Representative Farias as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
THE CHAIR: Chair recognizes Representative Castro.
REPRESENTATIVE JOAQUIN CASTRO: Joe on behalf of the other members of Bexar County delegation and all of your friends in the legislature Happy 29th birthday, Joe. I move adoption.
THE CHAIR: Representative Farrar moves to add all members' names. Chair recognizes Representative Farias.
REPRESENTATIVE JOE FARIAS: Mr. Speaker, members, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my colleague and friend from San Antonio, Representative Castro. It's -- I'll be -- I'm 65 yesterday but my legs keep telling me that I'm about 80, the wear and tear. But thank y'all. It has been a pleasure serving with each and everyone of you here in the Texas Capitol and look forward too continue to work with y'all in the future. Because I'm 65 doesn't mean I'm bailing out. So I'm looking forward to coming back. Thank y'all very much.
THE CHAIR: Chair recognizes Representative Gonzales.
REPRESENTATIVE VERONICA GONZALES: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, members. One of our other colleagues also has a birthday today. Rene Oliveira who is the dean of our delegation in the Rio Grande Valley. So, if you see Rene today be sure to wish him a happy birthday. We don't know what number it is but we won't ask but happy birthday Rene.
THE CHAIR: Members, any further announcements. If not, Representative Legler moves that the House stand adjourned until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow pending the reading and referral of bills and resolutions in memory of Casey Smith of Pasadena. The following bills on first reading and referral.
THE CLERK: HB 3 by Thompson. Relating to the imposition of a sentence of life without parole on certain defendants who commit certain sexual offenses. HB 74 by*. Relating to persons authorized to control the disposition of the remains of certain members of the United States armed forces. HB 800 by Anderson. Relating to an interlocal contract between a governmental entity and a purchasing cooperative to purchase roofing materials or services. HB 1000 by Branch. Relating to the distribution of money appropriated from the national research university fund and to one or more audits of the information necessary to establish eligibility for that distribution. HB 1689 by Dutton. Relating to the monitoring and enhancement of health and human services information technology. HB 2176 King. Relating to a surcharge under the driver responsibility program for a conviction of driving while license invalid, without financial responsibility, or without a valid license. HB 2415 by Garza. Relating to the liability of a school district that allows the use of land and facilities that the school district owns, occupies, or leases for recreational or educational purposes. HB 2416 by Garza. Relating to defining residency for purposes of eligibility to hold the office of or be a candidate for state representative. HB 2417 by Flynn. Relating to the Texas Code of Military Justice. HB 2418 by Callegari. Relating to the territory, board of directors, and powers of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority. HB 2419 by Davis of Harris. Relating to toilet accommodations at filling stations; providing penalties. HB 2420 by King. Relating to exemptions from permitting by groundwater conservation districts of the drilling and operation of certain water wells. HB 2421 by Thompson. Relating to determinations of paternity; creating an offense. HB 2422 by Thompson. Relating to the procedure for providing a copy of the final decree of dissolution of a marriage to a party who waived service of process. HB 2423 by Thompson. Relating to insurer and third party interests in certain motor vehicle repair facilities. HB 2424 by Thompson. Relating to the operation of video gaming by authorized organizations and commercial operators that are licensed to conduct bingo or lease bingo premises; providing penalties. HB 2425 by Thompson. Relating to notice to the attorney general of challenges to the constitutionality of Texas statutes. HB 2426 by Thompson. Relating to certain rights and duties of nurses. HB 2427 by Thompson. Relating to the rights and duties of hospital patients and certain health care providers; providing civil penalties. HB 2428 by Strama. Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation for certain solar or wind-powered energy devices. HB 2429 by Strama. Relating to availability of certain information regarding energy use and efficiency of certain residential property. HB 2430 by Kolkhorst. Relating to the price charged by a health care provider for a health care service or supply; providing penalties. HB 2431 by Smith of Harris. Relating to compliance histories for and incentives to reward compliance performance by entities regulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. HB 2432 by John Davis of Harris. Relating to the creation of public and private facilities and infrastructure. HB 2433 by Callegari. Relating to the ballot language for junior college district annexation elections. HB 2434 Davis of Dallas. Relating to the repeal of certain ad valorem and state tax exemptions. HB 2435 by Deshotel. Relating to rate adjustments by gas utilities. HB 2436 Rodriguez. Relating to authorizing certain brewers and manufacturers to sell beer and ale to ultimate consumers. HB 2437 by Sheets. Relating to an award of litigation costs after the rejection of certain settlement offers. HB 2438 by Sheets. Relating to interest on damages subject to Medicare subrogation. HB 2439 Gallego. Relating to posting on state agency websites suggestions and ideas on agency cost-efficiency. HB 2440 by Pitts. Relating to the creation of a Texas Junior College System office. HB 2441 by Pitts. Relating to public junior college employee participation in the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. HB 2442 by Munoz. Relating to the telecommunications service discount for schools. HB 2443 by Price. Relating to persons remaining on and parking vehicles on state highway right-of-way; creating an offense. HB 2444 by White. Relating to public school finance. HB 2445 by Coleman. Relating to fostering collaboration among health care systems to provide indigent health care to communities more efficiently. HB 2446 by Allen. Relating to the release of confidential physician-patient communications in certain circumstances. HB 2447 by Harper-Brown. Relating to an exemption from the sales and use tax for certain assessments and fees related to telecommunications services. HB 2448 by Harper-Brown. Relating to the creation of the office of inspector general and the appointment of deputy inspectors general at the Health and Human Services Commission, Texas Youth Commission, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Texas Education Agency, and Texas Department of Transportation; providing penalties. HB 2449 by Aliseda. Relating to the illegal possession of another person's ballot to be voted by mail. HB 2450 by Jackson. Relating to the creation of the offense of employing an individual not lawfully present in the United States. HB 2451 by Zedler. Relating to the computation of retirement benefits by a public retirement system. HB 2452 by Zedler. Relating to disclosures regarding liability limits and malpractice insurance and related coverage in connection with services provided at health care institutions. HB 2453 by Zedler. Relating to the release of complaint information by the Texas Medical Board to the legislature. HB 2454 by Zedler. Relating to prohibiting discrimination by public institutions of higher education against faculty members and students based on their conduct of research relating to intelligent design. HB 2455 by Zedler. Relating to the licensing and regulation of the practice of integrative medicine; providing penalties. HB 2456 by Zedler. Relating to the rollback tax rate of a taxing unit other than a school district. HB 2457 John Davis of Harris. Relating to the amendment of Texas Enterprise Fund grant agreements. HB 2458 by Munoz. Relating to filling certain vacancies on the governing body of certain home-rule municipalities. HB 2459 by King. Relating to health care information submitted to the Department of State Health Services. HB 2460 by Truitt. Relating to confidentiality of information held by a public retirement system. HB 2461 by Bonnen. Relating to the immunity of property tax arbitrators from liability for determinations made in the course of binding arbitrations. HB 2462 by Bonnen. Relating to motor vehicles used for fire, emergency, or disaster response purposes. HB 2463 by Reynolds. Relating to access to certain records regarding an employment discrimination claim. HB 2464 by Frullo. Relating to textbooks adopted by the State Board of Education for public schools. HB 2465 by Larson. Relating to information a commissioners court may consider when approving a county budget. HB 2466 by Phillips. Relating to the licensing and operation of motor vehicles by minors. HB 2467 by Phillips. Relating to the discharge of a surety's liability on a bail bond in a criminal case. HB 2468 by Phillips. Relating to providing a patron of a pay-to-park or valet parking service with certain information; providing a civil penalty. HB 2469 by Phillips. Relating to a memorial sign program for victims of motorcycle accidents. HB 2470 by Phillips. Relating to the regulation of sport bikes. HB 2471 by Phillips. Relating to limiting the civil liability of certain persons who obtain or provide medical care and treatment for certain animals. HB 2472 by Phillips. Relating to limiting the civil liability of certain persons who obtain or provide medical care and treatment for certain animals. HB 2473 by Marquez. Relating to the closure of a school campus by the board of trustees of a school district. HB 2475 by Aliseda. Relating to vehicle registration requirements for deployed active military personnel. HB 2476 by Harless. Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of certain dealer's heavy equipment inventory; providing penalties. HB 2477 Harless. Relating to the provision of bilingual election materials. HB 2479 by Perry. Relating to alternative dispute resolution systems established by counties. HB 2480 by Geren. Relating to the licensing and regulation of geoscientists by the Texas Board of Professional Engineers, the regulation and licensing of land surveyors by the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners, and the abolition of the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists and the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying. HB 2481 by Pena. Relating to the payment and distribution of consumer assistance funds in an action by the attorney general. HB 2482 by Pena. Relating to the offense of organized retail theft. HB 2483 by Pena. Relating to certain do-not-resuscitate orders and advance directives; providing penalties. HB 2484 by Hochberg. Relating to the state property tax compression percentage and the homestead property tax exemption under the public school finance system. HB 2485 by Hochberg. Relating to public school finance. HB 2486 by Davis. Relating to assignment of rents to holders of certain security interests in real property. HB 2487 by Murphy. Relating to the residence address at which a person is registered to vote. HB 2488 by Scott. Relating to access to a child's medical records by the child's attorney ad litem, guardian ad litem, or amicus attorney. HB 2489 by Scott. Relating to the discoverability and admissibility of communications of sympathy in certain civil or administrative actions against a health care provider or physician. HB 2490 by Solomons. Relating to the regulation of certain metal dealers; providing criminal penalties. HB 2491 by Flynn. Relating to a moratorium on certain testing and assessments of certain public school students under the public school accountability system. HB 2492 by Naishtat. Relating to the family allowance, treatment of exempt property, and an allowance in lieu of exempt property in the administration of a decedent's estate. HB 2493 by Torres. Relating to enterprise project half designations under the enterprise zone program. HB 2494 Legler. Relating to the recovery of fraudulently obtained unemployment benefits. HB 2495 by Hernandez Luna. Relating to cemeteries and perpetual care cemetery corporations. HB 2496 by Gonzalez. Relating to creating a teen dating violence court program. HB 2497 by Gonzalez. Relating to state collaboration with federally recognized Indian tribes. HB 2498 Frullo. Relating to requiring certain non-ERCOT utilities to comply with energy efficiency goals. HB 2499 by Cook. Relating to the continuation and functions of the Department of Information Resources. HB 2500 by Lozano. Relating to the disposition of fines for traffic violations collected by certain counties. HB 2501 by Thompson. Relating to voting in property owners' association elections. *HB 2505 by Thompson[sic]. Relating to the establishment of a task force on lowering the incidence of premature births and improving the care of premature infants. HB 2502 by Thompson. Relating to the fees collected by district court clerks on the filing of certain civil actions or proceedings to fund basic civil legal services. HB 2504 by Thompson. Relating to immunity from liability for county auditors. HB 2505 by Walle. Relating to the establishment of a task force on lowering the incidence of premature births and improving the care of premature infants. HB 2506 by Chisum. Relating to creating defined contribution retirement plans for persons eligible to participate in the Employees Retirement System of Texas and the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. HB 2507 by Chisum. Relating to the offense of installing an irrigation system without a license. HB 2508 by Lewis. Relating to immunity and liability issues regarding unincorporated charitable organizations, charitable organizations that utilize self-insured retentions in their insurance coverage, and charitable organizations that utilize Lloyd's plans and indemnity policies. HB 2509 by Huberty. Relating to the implementation of the administration of end-of-course assessment instruments for high school courses in public schools. HB 2510 by Lavender. Relating to exempting the intrastate manufacture of certain incandescent light bulbs from federal regulation. HB 2511 by Dutton. Relating to the joint or separate prosecution of a capital felony charged against two or more defendants and the extent of a defendant's criminal responsibility for the conduct of a coconspirator in capital felony cases. HB 2512 by Dutton. Relating to the maintenance of a list of voters whose registrations have been recently canceled. HB 2513 by Dutton. Relating to developing a list of preferred vendors that provide support to open-enrollment charter schools in using the Public Education Information Management System. HB 2515 by Alvarado. Relating to patient safety plans for certain health care facilities. HB 2516 by Alvarado. Relating to the appeal of an indefinite suspension of a municipal firefighter or police officer. HB 2517 by Villarreal. Relating to eligibility for state credits for college tuition and fees for public high school students who receive diplomas by demonstrating early readiness for college. HB 2518 by Kolkhorst. Relating to the transfer of certain state property from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to the Texas Forest Service. HB 2519 by Kuempel. Relating to the regulation of certain motor vehicle auctions. HB 2520 by John Davis of Harris. Relating to the creation of a database to track specialized technology research projects conducted by public universities, public university research facilities, and other state institutions. HB 2521 by Sheffield. Relating to the creation of the Bell County Municipal Utility District No. 1; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds; granting a limited power of eminent domain. HB 2522 by Otto. Relating to the ability of certain state agencies to seek injunctions against certain individuals. HB 2523 by Cain. Relating to the purchase of goods and services by state agencies. HB 2524 by Cain. Relating to the criminal offenses for which and the circumstances under which certain communication devices may be detected and communications may be intercepted. HB 2525 by Harper-Brown. Relating to a mechanic's and materialman's lien for landscaping. HB 2526 by Harper-Brown. Relating to the use of force or deadly force against another in defense of a third person. HB 2527 Harper-Brown. Relating to the allocation of certain motor vehicle sales tax revenue to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue. HB 2528 by Harper-Brown. Relating to restrictions on private investigators' and security officers' use of vehicles that mimic law enforcement vehicles. HB 2529 by Price. Relating to the administration of appraisal districts. HB 2530 by Legler. Relating to the regulation of foundation repair contractors; providing a penalty. HB 2531 by Gonzalez. Relating to the terms of a standard possession order in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship. HB 2818 by Taylor. Relating to the operation of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association and to the resolution of certain disputes concerning claims made to that association. HCR 63 by Geren. Authorizing the lieutenant governor and speaker to appoint interim joint committees. HCR 75 by Burnam. Expressing the intent of the legislature to avoid placing unfunded mandates on local governments. HCR by Price 78. Expressing opposition to federal regulation of intrastate water resources. HCR 100 by Branch. Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Texas State University System. HJR 122 by Legler. Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing garnishment of wages for the recovery of fraudulently obtained unemployment benefits. HR 680 by Landtroop. Recognizing Senate Bill 481, 81st Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2009, as the Justin Little Rail Crew Safe Transportation Act. HR 788 by Hopson. Congratulating Katelyn Standley of Jacksonville for making a verbal commitment to play softball for Stephen F. Austin State University. HR 289 by Eissler. Recognizing February 3, 2011, as Texas PTA Rally Day at the State Capitol. HR 790 by Gooden. Recognizing March 14, 2011, as Cedar Creek Lake Area Day at the State Capitol. HR 791 by Patrick. Honoring the Baylor University Bob Bullock Scholars Program and its participants. HR 792 by McClendon. Recognizing November 2011 as Lung Cancer Awareness Month in Texas. HR 793 by Veasey. In memory of Juanita Maurine Cash of Fort Worth. HR 794 by Veasey. In memory of Laura Castleberry of Fort Worth. HR 795 by Veasey. Honoring the Eta Chapter of Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., on the 50th anniversary of its founding. HR 796 by Taylor. Honoring Sandi Stevens for her outstanding community service work in the Dallas area. HR 797 by Taylor. Congratulating Jim Dunlap on his retirement as an instructor and curator at Plano ISD's Holifield Science Learning Center. HR 798 by Taylor. Congratulating David Forinash of Plano on his leadership as the 2010-2011 drum major for The University of Texas at Austin Longhorn Band. HR 799 Taylor. Commending Brad Shanklin for his service as a member of the board of trustees for the Plano Independent School District. HR 800 by Taylor. Honoring 2010 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair winner Amy Chyao for her remarkable scientific and academic achievements. HR 801 by Taylor. Congratulating the Plano Senior High School debate team for its success in the 2010-2011 International Public Policy Forum. HR 802 by Taylor. Congratulating Jackie Hall of Plano on her retirement as executive director of the Assistance Center of Collin County. HR 803 by Taylor. Honoring deputy city manager LaShon D. Ross for her service to the citizens of Plano. HR 804 by Taylor. Congratulating Rounok Joardar of Plano West Senior High School on winning a first-place award at the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. HR 805 by King of Taylor. Honoring H. V. Chapman & Sons of Abilene for providing Bibles embossed with the state seal for use by the Texas Legislature and the House Bible Study group. HR 806 by Dutton. Honoring John Saunders Chase, Jr., of Houston for his achievements in the field of architecture. HR 807 by Dutton. Honoring the First Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Houston on the 120th anniversary of its founding. HR 808 Davis of Dallas. Welcoming members of the Leadership Southwest Class of 2011 to the State Capitol on March 16, 2011. HR 809 by Gutierrez. In memory of U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Calvin B. Harrison of Coldspring. HR 810 by Marquez. Congratulating the boys' basketball team from Bowie High School in El Paso on winning the District 1-4A championship. HR 811 by Marquez. Commemorating the first annual Neon Desert Music Festival in El Paso on April 30, 2011. HR 812 by White. Recognizing the Texas Forestry Association on the occasion of its seedling giveaway and commending association members for their reforestation efforts and advocacy. HB 2404 by Madden. Relating to the imposition of a privilege fee for state-owned housing provided to certain state employees by a state agency.
THE CHAIR: House stands adjourned until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.